September is right around the corner and with it some hopefully cooler and wetter weather. I'm starting to prepare my beds for the fall and winter veggies but if things don't change pretty soon I can't hold out much hope for a good season. I went to the farmers market yesterday morning and came home empty handed. There was no produce to buy. There were the usual vender's of nuts, breads, mushrooms, meats and pickles but no fresh produce. The drought has taken it's toll on locally produced veggies and if things don't change the farmers in the area will not have any fall crops to sell either. On an optimistic note, I saw a Tarantula clinging to the side of my house this morning when I went out to get the newspaper. I hope I see some more in the coming days. I live close to a creek and the Spiders and snakes usually seek higher ground before the creek rises. We'll see.
I had one response to my request for more pics of the Pick'in For The Record event. Thanks Pam. I selected a couple for your viewing pleasure. Here they be.
Here's a shot of the stage. This is the closest I've seen the stage. I never got that close the day of the event. I sure am lazy.

Here is a pretty good shot of the crowd. Well part of the crowd anyway.
I wish I could have taken more pictures but my digital camera is broke. Don't ever buy a Sony camera cause they suck. This is my second Sony digital camera that is now useless. They just quit all of the sudden. No power and they fry any batteries that you put in them. I took it to the camera shop and they said to fix it they would have to send it back to Sony. Sony charges a flat $201 dollars to fix their cameras no matter what's wrong. I think I'll just slap another $100 bucks on that $201 and buy a good camera. Anybody have any recommendation's on good reliable digital cameras?
Hi Senor Snappy! Cool blog! Cool pics. I like my Canon A570IS it was only around 150.00. I ran into the same issue when my first one died, it cost 300.00 and they wanted a min. of 160.00 to fix it. Sooo, I bought a new one. The only thing I find with most new digitals is the LCD viewing screen. The first one I had did have a good screen without glare, but from what I hear most if not all have so much glare it makes the LCD worthless unless you cover your head and camera with a cloth....on second thought, you could carry a big important looking tripod around then cover up like you have a really nice 4x4 View Camera....and everyone would stare and mutter from's an idea.