Monday, February 8, 2010

Twofaced Faceless Facebook Facelift

A short time after I started this blog a friend of mine suggested that I start using Facebook. I actually already had a Facebook account although it was pretty much empty. Or was that MyFace or Spacebook or SpaceCaseFace or something like that. Anyway I was always having to get on some kind of social path networky thing in order to find bands that I wanted to check out. It was getting to where nobody had websites anymore. A place with all of their info, stuff like where they were playing, projects they had in the works or whatever. I found it very annoying. If I could find them at all their ‘page’ was usually filled with so much unrelated info from the page owners and or other social networking nitwits that you could never tell what was real and what was just posted up poop. Anyway, my friend went on to say how he ran into this guy and that guy and these folks who were doing this or that and how he was having so much fun talking to all these folks he hadn’t seen and so forth so I decided to give it another look. The first thing I noticed was my ‘profile’ didn’t have picture. It just had a silhouette of a human head. Kinda like a standard issue Facebook bag to put over your head so nobody could recognize you. Just like the unknown comic.

I noticed many Facebook residents were using pictures of their dogs or cats or something just to personalize themselves without actually putting a photo of themselves online. I don’t blame them. Putting my picture out there on Facebook where anybody in the world or, I guess, even beyond can see just sounds kind of dicey. What if there was somebody from elementary school or something that always wanted to kick my ass but couldn’t find me, forgot to do it or just never had the time. Now he’s retired, has plenty of time, sees me on Facebook and says “There he is, that’s him. As soon as I get out of the foot doctors office I’m going to find him and kick his ass.” He’ll probably send in a friend request to me and invite me to my own ass kicking. If you’ve read my previous blog entries you’ll know that this is the kind of thing that can happen to me. So I put up a picture of something that many people will relate to me. That seemed safe enough and it has been. So far. I have run into lots of people that I haven’t seen in decades and it’s been, for the most part, a positive experience. I even have Facebook friends that I have never met, nor never knew in the 3D world. I don’t know how that happened. Those are the kind of things that happen on Facebook. A few month ago I got a friend request from a guy I used to know a long time ago. I remembered him all right. He stole my drums back in the 80’s and took them to Houston and pawned them. His name was Mike. He knows what he did. Somehow that dried up turd rattling around in his skull made him believe that since this is Facebook it’s not the real world. This is one guy that definitely should have said no to drugs. NO MIKE, not even on Facebook will you be my friend. As many people as he has conned and stolen from, HE has his real picture on Facebook. Unbelievable! There are a lot of things you can do with your friends on Facebook. You can go farming with you friends at Farmville. You can play something called Mafia Wars. You can look at their pictures. Write on their wall. You can send them gifts. You can even Poke your friends. I haven’t quite figured this last one out yet. I wonder if you should send them a gift before or after you poke them. Is there some way to avoid being poked. Lately I have been getting strange things from friends posted on my wall. It’s always something like they tagged a picture of me or they are asking something about me which requires me to click on a link. When I do I see this.

Gee Facebook, I don’t know. Kind of a vague message for me to risk it. I almost sounds like I am going to allow Facebook to hang my Internet underwear out online so to speak. Sometimes I wonder about Facebooks motives. On this one I always decline. The other day I got on Facebook to find that they did a face lift. I still can’t find anything. These website designers always have to be jacking with something just to be jacking with something. Anyway stop by sometime and give me a holler, if you can find me.

Ta Ta!

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