Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Some Photos For Ya

Sorry it took so long to to get some pics up but I was trying to wait until I had a chance to get some really cool stuff for you guys. I haven't had a chance to go out and do a picture taking safari so most of these are just snap shots that I have been taking trying to get familiar with the new  camera. I'm going to throw in a few that I did not take just because they need to be there. I'll let you know which ones they are. All of the ones I took have a little bit of post processing done to them but just what I could do with the limited software that I have. The other night as I was poking around on my computer I found out that I have a copy of Photoshop 7 loaded on there. Dunno where it came from. I think my step brother Jerry might have loaded it on there a long time ago and I just forgot. I've forgot stuff before I think. I don't know nuthin about Photoshop 7 or any of the other numbers either so I ordered a copy of Photoshop 7 for Dummies cuz that's what I am when it come to new software.

OK Shot #1

This is my grandson Chase. He's a stinker and he's almost two. He's our first and only, so far, grandchild and we're having a blast with him.

Shot #2

This here's the Liberty Bar just north of downtown San Antonio. If you've never been there it's almost too late. The owners of the property told the folks that run the bar that they had to get out because a parking lot would make them a whole lot more money than the 100 + year old restaurant/bar. They are going to move there business down to the art district known as South Town but it will never be the same. I snapped this shot one day while we were on our way home from the Pearl Farmers Market. So long Liberty Bar!

Shot #3

We went to Fredericksburg one Sunday to attend the Alternative Energy Exposition. This really old paddle wheel supplies all of the electricity for the town of Fredericksburg. WOW! That thing is really efficient. I reached over and grabbed it and stopped it for a few seconds and the town fire alarm went off at the fire station next door. I ran into the bathrooms and hid for a while. I don't think they know it was me. I hope they don't read this blog. For $10 a head I don't think it was really worth it. They had some neat stuff and all but most of it was just vendors trying to sign you up to sell you stuff. I had more fun just bopp'in around town.
Which leads us to.

Shot #4

After having some lunch at a little diner down the street we took a little walk up Main Street and I saw this Hobby Horse. I always wonder why they call them Hobby Horses. I guess it would be a good hobby for a kid if ha had plenty of coinage. This horse runs on alternative energy too. Quarters, two at a time. And it will run as long as you have quarters but once you run out it stops. My wife said we we out of quarters. I think she just got nervous about the small gathering crowd that had assembled before I got off.

Shots #5 and #6

These are some house type plants that are in my back yard. I don't know much about house type plants but if I was to guess I would say that these are Rubber Plants.

Shot #7

I went bird hunting the other day after work. I blasted through about half a box of shells and couldn't hit nothin. Even on a good day I ain't much good with a shot gun. I did manage to shoot a caterpillar though. It was funny, while I was try'in to take his picture an ant came up and bit him on the butt. Ha Ha Ha! He was pissed off at that ant.

Shot #8

We went to see a couple of my favorite musicians last Saturday night. They were playing at theWater Street Oyster Bar in San Antonio. My wife Brenda took this shot of me and the headliner Shake Russell with her little Kodak point and shoot. We figured out that night that we had been coming out to see Shake and the various folks he has played with for about 30 years. I haven't seen a bad show yet.

Shot #9

Opening up for Shake was the one and only Claude Butch Morgan. The man of a million faces and the man of a million song and stories. I've been following this guy as long as Shake, if not longer. And again I have never been disappointed. I remember seeing him play at a small club on West Ave called Los Padrinos back in the early eighties. The club was on a really busy boulevard and Claude had just started using the new wireless technology. The club was an open air patio type of thing so Claude started running around the club and patio area singing and playing guitar. Before the song was over he was standing on the center stripe in the middle of the street playing and singing to the cars that were driving by honking and swerving around trying not to hit the guy in the street playing guitar. Thank God he was not hit. He's not quite that crazy today but still better than ever. If you have never seen either of these guys before do not hesitate to go and see them whenever you can. Check out their websites for show info.
Note: I pulled Claude's photo from his website and was not photographed by me.

On a side note, I have heard that some people may be having a hard time reading the text on this blog. If you are having any problems with either the size of the text or the contrast between the color of the text and background let me know and I'll see if I can make it better.

Well that's all I got for today. See you guys when I see ya. Be careful out there. Love ya. Bye!


  1. Those are Great pictures.......

  2. Nice pics Bobbie,
    That grandson is too cute! Boy I must be getting old 'cause Shake sure is...haven't had the pleasure to hear him and Jack or Dana play in years!! BTW, those "houseplant" pics are obscene!lol
