Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SnappyBob's Mid-Week News Roundup

The first bit of news came to to me early this week from my fellow Record Breaking Guitar Picker and Luckenback Layabout Gary Woitena. According to
Gary our record breaking attempt is now official with the Guinness Book Of World Record folks certifying us as the official world record holders with the official number being 1868 pickers.

In other news. Remember this guy.

Senor Samplico, his excellency, has informed me that he is auditioning for a part in that all time holiday favorite "The Nutcracker". Now, I never knew His Excellency had any aspirations in the area of Ballet but if you have ever seen him waltzing the aisles of Walmart you would have to wonder why we didn't see this coming. He hasn't won the audition yet but the word around Off Broadway is he has a pretty good chance. Most of his chances are hanging on the wardrobe departments ability to come up with a Tutu in his size.

I'm just having a little fun with Danny. Actually he auditioned for a non dancing part as a favor for a friends daughter. It probably took a lot of guts. Kudos Senor.

I'm sure you've all been losing sleep worrying about how my new camera is coming along. Well all I can say is "I love It". All the versatility of my old 35mm SLR and more. I must admit it was a little intimidating at first. On my old SLR I had a knob for shutter speed, an aperture ring, a focus ring and an ASA setting. Now I have whistles and bells and menus and sub menus and on screen info telling me stuff to make me nervous as hell. All in all though I couldn't be happier with it. It does everything you would expect from an SLR and takes great automatic and programed snapshots as well. And who can complain about being able to see your photo results right away. That must take a whole lot of the anxiety out of wedding photography, not that I want to go back there any time soon. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post yet but I have been so busy getting acquainted with this thing that I haven't had a chance to upload any pics to Photobucket. Perhaps next week.

In the process of learning all about me digital camera I found a very useful website for me to get info. It's call The Nikon Cafe. It's a forum for Nikon users and photographers in general. I mention this because they have a very interesting thread that has a lot of cool pictures if you want to go look. One of the guys on the forum bought a fairly nice used lens for the purpose of reselling to make a little money. But on second thought he offered it up to anyone on the forum who wanted to use it for a week to take pictures to be posted there. The would be that you sign up on a list. The lens is sent to you when it is your turn. You use it for a week, upload your pics and send it to the next person on the list. So this lens has been crisscrossing the US and abroad for a while now. Unfortunately they cut the list off at 60 so I can't get in on it. If you want to check it out I'll put a link at the bottom. You have to scroll through a few pages of chit chat to get from one series of pics to another but it's not too bad. Have fun it's called "Seeing the World Through a Single Lens".

That's All Folks, See You Next Time.

1 comment:

  1. That is really great that Danny would participate in the Nutcracker.....I wish him well on whatever part he gets. I love the way you articulate him in waltzing the aisles at Walmart....
    Note to self.....stop reading Bobby's Blog at morning break, while eating peanuts. Gotta clean my monitor screen again from laughing.
