Thursday, September 17, 2009

New camera arrives today.

After extensive research on what kind of camera I could get to replace my old Sony (see previous blog where I talk about how Sony Cameras SUCK!)After looking around at the point and shoots I realized that for a little more $$$ I could get a digital SLR. Not only that, I could get a Nikon Digital SLR. You can read a review of it here.

According to UPS it is supposed to be delivered today. I must admit I feel kind of guilty because my wife's birthday is today and here I am getting a new camera in the mail. It figures that it would have to show up today. This stuff just happened to me. I don't know why.

Anywhooooo. Look for some new pictures here on the blog in the coming days and weeks as I share my dazzling photographic flying circus. Maybe I'll post some bloopers too.

Hope to see YOU on the business end of the lens soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bob,
    Let me know how you like your new camera, I got rid of my old non digital slr a few years ago. I'd really like to replace it but get really overwhelmed when reading reviews. I mostly use one for landscape so a telephoto is a must.
    Did the rain you all got a while back have any affect on the drought? It's raining here again this morning. I love a good storm.
    Take care
